Support Incentives for Clean Energy Jobs

By raising your voice on the issue of clean energy, you're in some very good company. A great many Unlikely Alliances have formed to make the call for clean power:

- The United Steelworkers, as part of the Blue-Green Alliance, see the great jobs potential in the renewable energy sector, and they want safe and affordable energy sources for our manufacturing sector.

- Green For All brings renewable energy jobs right to the heart of America's inner cities. They are unifying diverse urban communities around a clean energy future.

- The 25 x '25 Alliance, based largely in America's Farm Belt, is pushing the U.S. to derive 25 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2025. It's an ambitious, but attainable, goal - so long as Congress acts.

Urge your member of congress to support tax incentives for renewable energy!
Dear Members of Congress:

I urge you to support tax incentives for renewable energy. These incentives help create jobs and lower greenhouse gases. They are the kind of policies that will help solve the climate crisis.

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