Call for an End to Live Exports

Live animal export subjects millions of cattle and sheep to cruelty each year. Thousands of animals die en route and many that survive the journey face an even worse fate at their destination.

This is unthinkable, especially when there is a viable alternative. WSPA is calling for animals to be processed in a more humane way in Australia and exported as chilled meat rather than exported live. This would not only improve the welfare outcomes for millions of animals but would also create jobs and boost regional Australia's economy.

We need you to stand up for animals to avoid the suffering of millions of animals each year! Send a letter to Senator Joe Ludwig, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and urge him to stop this abhorrent practice!
Senator Joe Ludwig,

I've been compelled to write and tell you how disappointed I am about Australia's abhorrent live animal export trade.

Millions of sheep and cattle endure extreme cruelty each year because of live export. In a country that prides itself on its animal welfare standards, this is unthinkable. During the inherently risky journey, animals are often subjected to appalling conditions. When animals arrive at their final destination they are often handled and killed in a manner we'd never tolerate here in Australia. The fact that all of this is unnecessary makes it even more senseless.

[Your comments will be inserted here]

Despite industry claims, live export is not the most practical way to export meat. Australia has a strong chilled and frozen meat trade, which could be expanded to meet the international market demands for meat. In fact, our chilled meat trade has huge potential. So for the sake of
our animals and our economy, growing the chilled meat trade seems an obvious thing to do.

On a practical level, live export means we are losing out on significant value adding opportunities. While we're sending live animals away, we're sending thousands of job opportunities offshore. If we phase out live animal export, we can support Australia's meat industry, create jobs, and ensure that animals are treated and killed more humanely.

No matter how you look at it, live export is a waste. So along with the majority of Australians, I call on you to transition away from this cruel practice.
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