Make it MANDATORY.... for all syringes distributed for "Harm Reduction" in Kamloops BC, to be Vanish Point syringes only!!!

The "Vanish Point" needle is automatically retracted directly from the user into the barrel of the syringe when the plunger handle is fully depressed. 

On Wednesday March 21st 2018, my 12 year old son Landon Arlitt was poked in the leg by a used syringe found on city property. Landon and his two young step brothers found a plastic bag full of candy and dirty syringes, among many other syringes that were dispersed all over the ground.

He decided that bringing the bag home to his parents, was the right thing for him to do so nobody else got hurt. In the process, he put himself in harms way.

Landon is now undergoing blood tests every two weeks for the next couple months. As concerned parents, we wait anxiously on the outcome of Landon's results. This is more than just a health concern; this could be a matter of life and death for some people.

There is a way to make our community and children safer.

The use of "Vanish Point" syringes virtually eliminates exposure to the contaminated needle, effectively reducing the risk of a needlestick injury. 

Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Thank you so much everyone for all your support. I have an appointment with our MLA in a few days. If we can get this passed in our city, then it wouldn't be long before it becomes mandatory in the whole province, and then our country! Harm reduction makes sense.....harm reduction is the use of "Vanish Point" syringes. What doesn't make sense is handing out syringes that can be reused, and discarded without protection.
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