Who Killed Alejandro the Dog? Delta Must Take Action and Investigate the Death of this Family's Beloved Pet

Alejandro was heading to New Jersey on a flight with the rest of his family. But he didn't make it there alive. Instead — during what was supposed to be a short layover in Detroit — his owners found him bloodied and dead in his carrier.

Now the Dellegrazie family wants answers, and so do the rest of us. According to Michael Dellegrazie, Alejandro was alive when they arrived in Detroit but just two hours later he was lifeless and bloody, and the blanket he was traveling with was soaking wet.

Michael believes that someone even tried to cover up the manner of Alejandro's death. They believe someone tried to wash the blood out of the blanket, and carrier before they spoke to the family.

How could this happen on what was supposed to be an ordinary flight?

At the moment no one knows what happened to Alejandro nor who might be responsible, but Delta must investigate to find out. If processes or staff is at fault they must take responsibility and take action so that no one else's beloved pet.

Please sign the petition and demand that Delta investigate and make the necessary changes so that this never happens again.

Photo: Evan Oshan/Oshan & Associates
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