Call on Gov. Schwarzenegger to Investigate Chemtrails

  • av: Eben Rey
  • mottagare: Arnold Schwartzenegger, Governor, State of California
Calling for a State Level Investigation into the Aerial Spraying Campaign  known as Chemtrails/Persistent Contrails.
Do you notice on an otherwise clear beautiful California day, that there are airplanes flying at a very high altitude emitting a trail of substance that doesn't dissipate?
They are officially known as 'Persistent Contrails', but for
independent investigators they are called Chemtrails. This mysterious phenomenon is worldwide and there is a great amount of speculation as to their purpose and more importantly their effects.

Available research traces the origin of Chemtrails back to Dr. Edward Teller's 1990 white paper contention that a highly reflective substance released into the upper atmosphere/stratosphere could mitigate global
warming by reflecting 1-2% of sunlight back into space.

Independent sample tests of the substance yeilded the following sub-micron particles :

    * Aluminum

    * Thorium

    * Selenium

    * Barium

    * Silicon Carbide

Now the effects of sub-micron particles being sprayed over a 10 year period could affect  the respiratory system. Could this be the reason for our increased susceptibility to influenza? These are the kinds of questions and speculated answers that are all over the internet from concerned Americans.

Enough Speculation, We Need Answers!

What is needed is an Official Statewide Investigation into the:

    * Authorization

    * Purpose

    * Composition of materials

    * Health Effects

    * Weather Effects

    * Success/Failure of Program

    * Lifespan of Program

Of this Aerial Spraying Program - Chemtrails!!

We Need Answers Now!

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