Do you need an Annual Galveston Island Pirate Festival in your life?

  • av: Jenai Marek
  • mottagare: Residents of Houston and Galveston Counties and Beyond

Although the pirate history in Galveston and its surrounding waters is not as rich as the piracy known on the East Coast, Florida, or the port city of New Orleans, Galveston boasts the final home to the infamous Pirate Jean Laffite. His legacy has given Galveston The Laffite Society and that pirate's island home has given an extra point of intrest in local haunted tours, such as Dash Beardsley's Ghost Tours of Galveston Island. Galveston has PIRATES! Legends of the Gulf Coast on The Strand, as well as Buster's Old Time Photos, which offers a pirate theme for landlubbers to get in on! 

This petition is to ask Galveston-based Events Coordinators to take advantage of our pirate history, and join forces with me to host an annual pirate festival; it would not only benefit the growing tourism of Galveston Island today, but would provide local (and distant) pirate enthusiasts a gathering place for pirate lore, imagination, and excitement. Vendors, Performers, and modern-day pirate fashion enthusiasts across the nation would love to be a part of this experience. So, if this is a festival that inspires or stirs the piracy you long to experience for yourself: SIGN THE PETITION!

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