Support Oceans 21 for Healthy Marine Ecosystems

From hazards like roadway oil that makes its way to the water and development that eats away at coastal habitats, our world's oceans are in trouble. But Congress has a chance to act now. Oceans 21, legislation introduced in the House of Representatives, establishes a national policy to protect, maintain and restore marine ecosystem health.

Oceans 21 provides common-sense solutions to help marine ecosystems in crisis. The bill will be voted on in the House Natural Resources Committee before the end of July. Please write your congressional representative urging them to support Oceans 21, to oppose weakening amendments to the bill, and, ultimately, to work for enactment of this critical legislation.
Dear [Decision-maker],

I write to urge your strong support for Oceans 21 when it is marked up in the House Resources Committee. Our oceans and Great Lakes are in trouble and we need to take strong and immediate action to protect and restore their vitality, which is critical for the economic and social welfare of coastal communities and the nation as a whole.

Oceans 21 provides a unifying vision to bring together the disparate federal programs affecting ocean and Great Lakes resources and environmental quality. It establishes a national policy to protect, maintain and restore the health of marine ecosystems and requires federal agencies to carry out the policy consistent with existing law. The bill fosters partnerships to address regional priorities for ocean management in cooperation with state and local governments.

[Your comment here]

Oceans 21 charts a new course for healthy oceans and Great Lakes. Please support the bill at the Natural Resources Committee markup, oppose weakening amendments and work for its eventual enactment.
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