Stop Testing Botox on Animals

I was shocked to learn that your company conducts cruel animal experiments for the batch testing of your products BOTOX, BOTOX Cosmetics and VISTABEL.

As you know, for the LD50 test, groups of animals are injected with different doses of Botox in the abdomen. They are subjected to terrible pain. They suffer from paralysis, impaired vision and respiratory distress. After up to three or four days of suffering they finally die of suffocation.

Although the European Pharmacopoeia lists this test for every batch of botulinum toxin, there is an alternative test that does not use live animals which is allowed. It is in your hands to use this alternative method.

SOURCE and Additional Petition-

Allergan, Inc

P.O. Box 19534

Irvine, CA 92623 USA

Phone: (714) 246-4500

Fax: (714) 246-4971


IPSEN Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

7 Upper Leeson Street, 4


Ipsen Ltd.
190 Bath Road
SL1 3XE Slough

Phone: 353 1 668 1377

Fax: 353 1 660 2818


Merz GmbH & Co. KGaA
Eckenheimer Landstrasse 100
60318 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone:  49-69-1503-0
Fax: 49-69-1503-200


I was shocked to learn that your company conducts cruel animal experiments for the batch testing of your products BOTOX, BOTOX Cosmetics and VISTABEL.

As you know, for the LD50 test, groups of animals are injected with different doses of Botox in the abdomen. They are subjected to terrible pain. They suffer from paralysis, impaired vision and respiratory distress. After up to three or four days of suffering they finally die of suffocation.

Although the European Pharmacopoeia lists this test for every batch of botulinum toxin, there is an alternative test that does not use live animals which is allowed. It is in your hands to use this alternative method.

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