Last Call: Stand AGAINST the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • av: Specialty Studios
  • mottagare: President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry
A final decision is expected by summer on the Keystone XL pipeline — one of the most critical environmental battles of our time.

To overcome the powerful influence of the oil industry, we need to keep up the pressure and build even broader opposition to the pipeline.

That's why we are making one last call for EVERYONE to stand up and send a clear message to President Obama and Secretary Kerry to reject this pipeline.

Rarely mentioned is the devastating environmental and health costs (not just on the US, but on Canada) of extracting the dirty oil that would flow through the proposed pipeline from Alberta's Tar Sands.

You can help even more by:

- Watching White Water, Black Gold to witness the untold costs associated with Canada's Tar Sands.
- Organizing a Home or Community Screening of the film to help build greater opposition.

Please Sign this petition to stand in opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline.
President Obama and Secretary Kerry,

You have both advocated for bold action on climate change and protecting the environment.

Senator Kerry said on Earth Day: "What we all do to address climate change now will largely determine the kind of planet we leave for our children and generations to come. The science is screaming at all of us and demands action."

These words make the only rational choice on the Keystone Pipeline clear. To combat climate change, and for the sake of the health of Americans and Canadians, please do the right thing and reject the Keystone Pipeline.
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