Kooples - Stop Selling Any Fur Products Aside From Angora Ban

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: CEO Nicolas Dreyfus at Kooples

It is highly commendable that Kooples has made efforts in protecting animals by banning the sale of angora fur products in their stores. They have shown some compassion in stopping rabbits from having their fur ripped out of their backs, are tied up and roughly shorn on angora farms.  The further concern however is that Kooples continues to promote products with the fur from raccoons and other animals that also suffer greatly to provide for their fur stock.  You can read more on the concerns for fur products at Kooples at http://www.peta.org/action/action-alerts/international-retailer-kooples-ditches-angora-wool-continues-sell-fur/?utm_campaign=031816%20PETA%20E-News&utm_source=PETA%20E-Mail&utm_medium=E-News

We need to continue the fight to stop all fur sales at Kooples, asking them to follow suit with other competitors like Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Anthropologie, and Inditex who have all decided to ban all fur sales.  Animal cruelty is indeed horrific and can be avoided.  Promoting the sale of fur products promotes animal cruelty.

My effort in this petition is to ensure that Kooples bans the sale of any and all sales of fur products which in essence promotes animal cruelty and abuse.  You can help to speak out to Kooples by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own thoughts and comments.

CEO Nicolas Dreyfus at Kooples - It is highly commendable that you have made efforts in protecting animals by banning the sale of angora fur products in your stores. You have shown some compassion in stopping rabbits from having their fur ripped out of their backs as they are tied up and roughly shorn on angora farms. You may not realize that the majority of the fur industry's skins come from animals that live in captivity on massive fur factory farms that are basically designed to maximize profits, always at the expense of the animals. Cheap and cruel killing methods includes gassing, anal electrocution, decompression chambers, and neck-breaking as methods to keep the pelts intact. Stop promoting any further such abuse on any animals by banning any and all sales of fur products, following suit of many other competitors like Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Anthropologie, Topshop, H & M, and Inditex. 

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