Take Action Today to Defeat Poverty

America is at an inflection point. 

With a critical election just around the corner, it's more vital than ever that we come together, speak out, and take action - including on one of this country's most pressing crises: poverty. And make no mistake, defeating poverty will take work from all of us. 

Racial income and wealth disparities play a significant role in creating inequalities in these areas. For a nation with a $23 trillion economy, the largest national economy in history, to have double-digit poverty levels and even more people teetering on the edge of financial instability is unacceptable. To address and eliminate racial income and wealth disparities, we will prioritize closing gaps in jobs, education, healthcare, housing, and the justice system. 

That's why the National Urban League is working with people just like you to raise awareness around these critical issues and to put pressure on elected officials to defeat poverty by: 

  • Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit
  • Expanding the Child Tax Credit
  • Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $15 and index it to inflation
  • Closing the Medicaid Coverage Gap
  • And Taking Unconscious Bias Trainings 

Your support is absolutely vital to this effort. Please, sign today, and join us as we Defeat Poverty!
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