The Fundamentally Free Petition

  • av: Mary La Rosa
  • mottagare: George W Bush, President,Vice-President,Senators,Congress, US Government
This petition is an affirmation of pagan and non-monotheisitc; agnostic and atheist rights as ignored by the present administration. It is to remind our elected officials of the great offense taken by non-Christians when our representatives overtly proselytize and impose their relgious beliefs while in office.
We, the undersigned are here to remind you, our representatives, that our government was designed for All of the People and is supported by a plurality of religious and non-religious taxpayers.

Those of us who are non-monotheistic: non-Christian, non-Muslim, non-Jew, wish to make you aware of our presence and make very clear to those who seem to have forgotten our rights as American citizens that we do, indeed, exist as such.

We, the undersigned, feel the necessity to do so because of statements and actions perpetuated by those on Capitol Hill and in our Senate and in our Congress who think it is "ok" to offend and disregard the rights of others, in particular non-Christians.

The U.S. Constitution is a non-religious, secular document.
It begins, "We the people," and contains no mention of "God" or "Christianity."

The purpose of the Constituition was NOT to create a religious nation.

Not only is it unAmerican for the government to promote and proselytize religion, it is rude.

Whenever a public official uses their office to advance religion, some "other" Amercian is offended.

We, the undersigned, are offended by those in political office who disregard us as a group.

We remind you: America has never been Christian nation.
America is a Free Nation.
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