Keep Elephant Abuse Out Of California's Nevada County Fair!

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  • mottagare: Nevada County Fairgrounds Board of Directors
Elephants are majestic, intelligent and endangered animals who belong in the wild -- not at county fairs providing rides for people.

California's Nevada County Fairgrounds Board of Directors has contracted with Have Trunk Will Travel (HTWT) -- a company that provides elephants for entertainment purposes. An undercover investigation by Animal Defenders International (ADI) of HTWT's Perris, CA location, showed elephants being repeatedly abused, jabbed with bull hooks and shocked with electric stun guns during routine handling and training.

Despite an outpouring of public outcry against HTWT and their abuse of elephants, the authorities insist on allowing these abused elephants to come to the Nevada County Fair. The reason they gave was that the people speaking up were not constituents of Nevada County or county fair patrons. We cannot allow the authorities to continue with this plan and HTWT should not profit from animal abuse!

Please sign this petition to urge the authorities to stop HTWT from transporting elephants to the Nevada County Fair.
Dear Nevada County Fairgrounds Board of Directors,

I am writing to urge you to cancel the contract with Have Trunk Will Travel. I do not support having abused elephants at our fair.

Elephants are majestic, intelligent and endangered animals who belong in the wild -- not at county fairs providing rides for people.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

An undercover investigation by Animal Defenders International (ADI) of Have Trunk Will Travel's Perris, CA location, shows elephants being repeatedly abused, jabbed with bull hooks and shocked with electric stun guns during routine handling and training.

Despite an outpouring of public outcry against HTWT and their abuse of elephants, you still insist on allowing these abused elephants to come to the Nevada County Fair. As one who cares for animals, I cannot allow you to continue with this plan and HTWT should not profit from animal abuse!

I urge you to stop HTWT from transporting elephants to the Nevada County Fair.
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