Crack Down On Puppy Mills!

We have a rare opportunity right now to improve the lives of thousands of dogs!
The U.S. Department of Agriculture wants to hear your opinion about a proposal to crack down on puppy mills like the ones included in our Horrible Hundred report. We have only a few more hours for you to take action before the comment period closes.
This proposal could make a huge difference across the country by addressing major problems we find at puppy mills:
- Requiring that breeders provide one of life's most basic necessities — clean water — to puppy mill dogs.
- Stopping breeders who are shut down from reopening under a new name. Currently, they get away with multiple violations without ever facing the consequences.
- Banning criminals recently convicted of animal cruelty from getting a federal license to breed and sell dogs to unsuspecting consumers.
This rule has the potential to improve the lives of tens of thousands of animals now languishing in the squalor of puppy mills and we need to let the USDA know we need them to take action to help these animals.
Please help today, by telling the USDA that you support their proposal!
Dear Secretary Perdue,
I support the U.S. Department of Agriculture's proposed rule that will strengthen veterinary care standards for dogs at AWA regulated facilities, like having hands-on veterinary exams and lifesaving vaccinations. This proposed rule will also require breeders and exhibitors to pass an inspection to ensure they are taking care of their animals before they are granted a license rather than automatically having their license renewed. It will also strengthen animal welfare regulations to ensure dogs have regular access to fresh water. I urge the USDA to include more improvements to animal welfare in this rule by prohibiting wire flooring and cage stacking and doubling the required amount of space in each cage.
[Your Comment]
This rule has the potential to improve the lives of tens of thousands of animals now languishing in substandard operations that are not complying with the Animal Welfare Act regulations. Enacting it is the least we can do for these vulnerable animals and we can help them even more by adding a few more standards for dealers.
[Your Name]
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