Give Burrowing Owls Habitat They Can Thrive In

The Burrowing Owl is just one species in Canada threatened by habitat loss. To save this endangered owl, and other species, the Nature Conservancy of Canada buys natural lands to stop development threatening native wildlife.

Each acre of Canada's natural lands is defined by complex and delicate relationships between the animals and plants living there, and the loss of just one species can cause a negative ripple-effect for the entire area.

That's why NCC doesn't just purchase land -- it makes sure the delicate relationship between flora and fauna is maintained, so that at-risk species like the Burrowing Owl not only have a home, they have a home they can thrive in.

If you believe that protecting habitat for our at-risk species is the best thing we can do to protect their future, sign our pledge. We'll let you know how you, too can help protect Canada's natural beauty.
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