Demand Quality Pre-K Educators

Pre-school often falls to the bottom of the list in terms of educational priorities because it is not mandatory. However, numerous studies have shown that children in quality pre-k programs (especially at-risk children) are more likely to be successful in school and in life.

In order to ensure that pre-k programs are high quality, it is imperative that the k-12 teaching standards of a Bachelor's degree and on-going education are upheld for pre-k teachers.

Research has also shown that a Bachelor's degree is the minimum necessary for teachers to provide high-quality pre-k education, yet Rhode Island is the only state that requires one from all of its early education teachers.

Tell your state governor that pre-school teachers should meet the same standards as k-12 teachers.
I am one of your constituents and I am also someone who cares deeply about the future of education in the United States. I am writing to urge you to standardize pre-k teaching credentials in our state.

Each state has many standards in place to ensure that credentialed teachers meet certain requirements and receive on-going education. The same standard is not upheld for pre-k teachers; many are not required to have bachelor's degrees or early-childhood development training.

Numerous research studies have shown that a Bachelor's degree is the minimum necessary for teachers to provide high-quality pre-k education, yet Rhode Island is the only state that requires one from all of its early education teachers. Research has also shown that children in pre-k programs (especially at-risk children) are more likely to be successful in school and in life.

Better qualified instructors will lead to brighter students--and brighter students will lead to a better and stronger future for our country.

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