Urge the Philippines to Reject the Death Penalty!

Philippine legislators recently approved Congress House Bill No. 1, which would reinstate the death penalty for "heinous crimes." These crimes include a wide range of offenses, from murder to illegal drug possession. Now, it is up to the Philippine House of Representatives to reject the bill or pass it into law. The vote may take place in late December 2016.

Reinstating the death penalty would be a step backwards. It is cruel and ineffective as a crime deterrent. As United Nations assistant secretary-general for human rights Ivan Simonovic stated there is, "no evidence that the death penalty deters any crime." While some might argue that murderers deserve to have the "punishment fit the crime," the Philippine government is considering the death penalty for lesser crimes involving drug trafficking and possession. Lethal punishment is disproportionate to drug-related crimes, and endangers vulnerable people who get forced into the drug trade against their will.

Please sign the petition to urge decision makers in the Philippines to vote against reinstating the death penalty!

I am writing to urge you to reject a bill that would reinstate the death penalty in the Philippines.

As you know, Philippine legislators recently approved Congress House Bill No. 1, which would reinstate the death penalty for "heinous crimes." These crimes include a wide range of offenses, from murder to illegal drug possession. Now, it is up to the Philippine House of Representatives to reject the bill or pass it into law. The vote may take place in late December 2016.

Reinstating the death penalty would be a step backwards. It is cruel and ineffective as a crime deterrent. As United Nations assistant secretary-general for human rights Ivan Simonovic stated, "no evidence that the death penalty deters any crime." While some might argue that murderers deserve to have the "punishment fit the crime," the Philippine government is considering the death penalty for lesser crimes involving drug trafficking and possession. Lethal punishment is disproportionate to drug-related crimes, and endangers vulnerable people who get forced into the drug trade against their will.

I respectfully urge you to vote against reinstating the death penalty. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

[Your comments here]

[Your name here]

Uppdatera #17 år sedan
In his second State of the Nation Address, President Duterte pledged to keep the fight for the death penalty alive. The House has already approved the bill to reinstate the death penalty, so now more than ever we must ensure that a similar bill does not pass in the Senate and reach Duterte's desk. Please continue to share this petition as widely as possible to send a strong message to the Senate in the Philippines.
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