Stop exploiting Syrian refugee children to make clothes

An investigation carried out by independent journalists has just revealed a terrible reality: many Syrian refugee children in Turkey are being exploited in clothing factories that work for well known brands like Zara, Marks & Spencer, Mango and Asos.

These children are forced to work for a living in conditions even worse than average because of their precarious situation: they work more than 12 hours a day, and they also get paid less than other workers. As refugees, they don't have legal leverage or resources to push back, making them the perfect target for exploiters.

We can't allow this to continue. These poor children have have fled from war and deserve better.

Brands are saying that they don't know anything about it but they must take responsibility for their supply chains. We must ask Zara, Marks & Spencer, Asos, Mango and other brands that are producing in factories located in Turkey to effectively guarantee that no supplier is using exploited refugee children to make their clothes.

Sign the petition now and ask these brands to monitor their production on the ground in Turkey to guarantee that not a single refugee child is exploited in their factories. With your help, we can help many Syrian children to get back their childhood.

Inditex, Marks & Spencer, Mango, Asus:

Monitor your production on the ground in Turkey to guarantee that not a single refugee child is exploited in your factories.

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