A Politician Called Queer People "Godless Groomers." His Fellow Republicans Are Speaking Out Against Him.

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Colorado Republican party
The Chair of the Colorado Republican Party, Dave Williams, just sent out a mass email with a simple, but cruelly chilling, subject line. It read: "God Hates Pride."

The bigotry he went on to preach in his email was so outlandish and so overt that even fellow Republicans are speaking out against him! In fact, more than 100 leaders in the Colorado Republican party have signed a petition demanding that the Chairman be removed from his position.

We must elevate this call and demand that the Colorado Republican Party immediately find a new chair! Sign the petition!

Chairman Williams's email - sent to an unstated number of people - claimed that Pride month, celebrating human rights for the LGBTQ+ community, is evil and it also referred to queer folks as "godless groomers." Following up on that, he wrote on social media urging fellow Republicans to burn all pride flags.

One county chair, Nancy Pallozzi, said: "Enough is enough. We said we can't do this anymore. We have to stand up for the Republicans. This is not who we are. We are not full of hate."

She started a petition to oust the deeply homophobic state chair, and says that within only 3 days, she was able to amass enough signatures to bring the subject to a vote. That means there's a very real possibility that Republicans in Colorado could be on the verge of doing something unprecedented: actually officially removing Dave Williams as Chair.

It's rare for Republicans to stand up for human rights, but when they do, we have to give credit. To love whoever you do is a basic right that all people should be able to take for granted. For one hateful man to stomp all over that right is pathetic and disgusting.

Members of the Colorado Republican's 400-person central committee must speak out with a loud voice and send a strong message: we will not tolerate hatefulness and discrimination! Sign the petition to demand the committee removes this loathsome man as its state chair!
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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