Help save the islands of Indonesia from mining companies and palm oil plantations

  • av: Georgina B
  • mottagare: Indonesian President-elect, Joko Widodo,

The beautiful Indonesian islands of Belitung and Bangka are being ravaged by mining companies and the palm oil industry.

Together, the islands provide one third of the world’s tin – but at a price. Belitung and Bangka were once prime tropical island destinations but are fast being transformed into wastelands as a result of mining.

Fertile land has been turned into thousands of craters and the surrounding coral reefs are being destroyed by dredgers and tin-sucking ships. Fishing communities say that their catches had fallen by 80%.

Furthermore, around 60% of deforestation in Bangka and Belitung province over the past 10 years has been caused by tin mining and the expansion of palm plantations.

About 2,500 square kilometres of Belitung has been degraded, with 70% of the forest area being cleared, while at least 60% of the mangrove forests of both islands have been destroyed. Few protections are in place despite biological importance.

Wildlife is also suffering as a result – the Belitung Island tarsier, a nocturnal bug-eyed primate which is classified as Endangered, is at risk as a result of deforestation and the narrowing of the forest. The destruction of their habitat has resulted in the isolating of populations, affecting their ability to breed.

It's time for the Indonesian government to take action to save the islands. President-elect Joko Widodo, is set to be inaugurated on October 20 and should take immediate action.

Please sign and share the petition to save the islands of Bangka and Belitung from tin mining companies and palm oil plantations.

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