Punish Animal Abuser Who Beat His Dog So Bad It Was Paralyzed... But Was Only Charged With Misdemeanors!

Don't you think serious animal cruelty deserves serious punishment?

Add your name if you want to make sure that people that hurt their animals get what they deserve!

"Earlier this month, Drax, a four-month-old puppy, was rushed to an Iowa emergency room with what appeared to be intense pain and paralysis in his rear legs.

"Drax's owner, Thomas Hand, had been seen by witnesses beating and throwing the pup around. When the veterinarians examined him, Drax appeared to have lost all sensation in his rear limbs and had several fractures.

"The dog, who is now in the care of a foster home, will likely need surgery to repair his legs and veterinarians are monitoring him for signs of feeling and sensation in his lower body," reported the Humane Society.

What did Hand get in return for the horrific beating he gave to poor Drax?

A slap on the wrist...

"Thomas Hand of Jones County has been charged with first-offense animal torture and animal abuse, both of them are aggravated misdemeanors.

"For Molly Crowley, she and her family have a few dogs, but one of their newest family friends is missing.

""Any time I can help out with anything, I always lend a hand," Crowley said.

"It was her willingness to help that led her family to come to foster Drax, a dog at the center of an animal torture case, temporarily taken from Hand following charges of torture and abuse.

""The fact that it's even possible to allow any animal to go back to a family that has done such damage, is ridiculous," Crowley said," according to ABC.

Imagine how much poor Drax suffered...

All he wanted was to give Hand his love.

But Hand beat him...

Over and over...

And over and over...

Until his bones were broken...

And he was PARALYZED.

People who do this to animals must be punished.

Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.

That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress that would impose strict, nationwide punishments on people who abuse their animals.

Don't you want to protect defenseless animals from vicious people like Thomas Hand?

Then add your name to ask Bernie Sanders to take charge of this issue and impose strict punishments on people who abuse their animals!

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