This Beautiful Parrot Will Soon Be Extinct — But There's a Simple Way to Save Them

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Tasmanian Environment Minister, Elise Archer
The swift parrot isn't as famous as some of its Australian relatives. Part of the reason could be because it's so rare. In fact, it's one of Australia's most endangered birds, listed as — critically endangered in the IUCN Red List of endangered species. According to a study conducted in 2014, the species may face extinction by 2031 due to predation and loss of habitat.

Yet despite that warning more than four years ago, the government of Tasmania has yet to implement measures that would halt the destructive logging that is devouring this beautiful bird's home.

Now conservationists are fighting back. Armed with a new study, they allege that the government is sitting on its hands while the old growth trees the birds rely on for breeding are slowly disappearing. Tasmania has had common sense management plans on the books for years. One that would ensure enough breeding habitat, for example, has been around for a decade. Yet, it hasn't been put into action.

This is inexcusable, Australia has recently won the undesirable title of the country with the highest rate of extinction worldwide. If that title is only met with inaction, then the chances of survival for dozens of endangered species struggling to survive Down Under looks dire.

These parrots must be saved and the Tasmanian government must take action now to avoid disaster.

Please sign the petition and tell Tasmania that they have a duty to save the swift parrot. Your signature can make a difference.

Photo Credit: Jade Craven
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