Petition for Upper Deck Co. to stop misrepresentation of product contents

This petition is to show Upper Deck Co. that the customers are tired of the misrepresentation of the contents of their products and we, as consumers, want them to listen to us and do something about this.
I am creating this petition for Upper Deck to either stop stating that products will be in their items they do not have or REQUIRE them to consult the consumer on what their replacement will be and not sending them lesser cards as a replacement. 
Replacements should be a 1 for 1 deal and not 3 cards with an estimated value of the 1 card redeemed for alreqdy outstanding redemptions.
If they do not have the item available in house or know FOR A FACT the product is available but only waiting to be made with the autographs IN HOUSE, then items should not be presented as a redemption or on a Sell Sheet as if the pruduct is ready at that time and not waiting on an athlete or personality to sign and return items due to speculation of said autograph being returned.
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