Stop Stone Ridge Mega-Dairy Factory Farm

  • av: Donald A. Rolla
  • mottagare: George Ryan, Governor of Illinois, Illinois Governor
Building the Stone Ridge Mega-Dairy Factory near Bellflower, Illinois, will have many negative effects on the local environment, local residents, animals involved, and will be a disaster for East Central Illinois. The nearby Inwood Mega-Dairy is already a disaster.
We, the undersigned, feel strongly that the building of the proposed Stone Ridge Mega-Dairy Factory near Bellflower, Illinois, will have many negative effects on the local environment, local residents, animals involved, and will be a disaster for the future of East Central Illinois.

Mega dairies pollute groundwater with leaking and overflowing manure pits, which foul the air so badly that it ruins the quality of life. The cows are cruelly confined to stalls and injected with growth hormones to produce more milk, causing weakened bones and increased mastitis.

We respectfully and passionately urge you to allow local control and not allow the building of the Stone Ridge Mega-Dairy in East Central Illinois.

The Undersigned
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