Stop Goat vivisection

To stop the cruel and inhumane experimentation on goats.

Goats, pregnant and non-pregnant are used in horrible experiments for drugs and other tests that have no use for human care. Most often the goats are destroyed after the research is done. These are not wild animals but fully tame and loving animals who do not deserve to be torured just for expermental purposes. Please help stop this neeedless cruelty and suffering of these highly intelligent animals. Alone we are nothing, but in numbers we Will be heard. Thank you.

Goats, pregnant and non-pregnant are used in horrible experiments for drugs and other tests that have no use for
human care. Most often the goats are destroyed after the research is done.
These are not wild animals but fully tame and loving animals who do not deserve to be torured just for expermental purposes. Please help stop this neeedless cruelty and suffering of these highly intelligent animals. Alone we are nothing, but in numbers we Will be heard. Thank you.
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