TSTT must start serving T&T

  • mottagare: RaeAnn Harper-Waters, Corporate Communications Manager, Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago
The telephone and internet customers of T&T who are TSTT's most valuable income resource demand specific changes to the services so that 'service' will be brought back into the mission and motto for TSTT.
We, the Telephone and Internet customers of T&T who are TSTT's most valuable income resource demand the following changes to our service:

1) Full and complete disclosure of local call billing unless and until a reasonable un-inflated flat fee is implemented for local calls.

2) A minimum of 10 hours on weekdays and 6 hours on Saturday for telephone customer service calls concerned with single-line business or residential service. Weekdays 8am-4pm is inadequate to meet our needs.

3) Free emergency (999, 990) calls on all telephones, regardless of call restrictions or service disconnection.

4) Better rates for hourly or unlimited Internet access.

5) Faster, more reliable Internet access.

6) Calling cards that can be used with residential telephone lines.

7) Accountability - Your customer service representatives must be made accountable if repair requests are not submitted when requested. This will ensure that customers do not have to continually re-submit repair requests.
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