Close the Gun Show Loophole

All four guns used in the Columbine mass shootings were bought from private sellers at gun shows. None of the firearms required a background check.

Federal law requires professional gun vendors to run criminal background checks on gun purchasers, but private dealers are not subject to this law. The Gun Show Loophole is a serious gap in our nation's gun laws that enables people -- including previously convicted criminals -- to purchase firearms without a background check.

For over a decade elected officials from both parties have paid lip service to closing the Gun Show Loophole, but nothing's been done. With 30% of illegally trafficked guns connected to gun shows, it's time to take a stand. Sign this petition and demand that Congress close the Gun Show Loophole.
Dear [Decision Maker],

The Gun Show Loophole demonstrates a dangerous gap in our nation's gun laws. Professional gun dealers must run criminal background checks on gun purchasers, but private sellers at gun shows are not subject to these laws. With more than 30% of illegal gun trafficking happening at gun shows, it is imperative that Congress pass legislation to protect its citizens.

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Over the past decade, our nation has seen a dramatic increase in gun violence. All four guns used in the Columbine mass shootings were bought from private sellers at gun shows -- and a background check was not required at the time of purchase. The recent shooting of Pentagon police officers also involved gun show firearms. Enough is enough -- it's time to protect American citizens and subject gun show dealers to the same laws as other firearm distributors.

As a concerned citizen, I stand with over 500 mayors from all across America in asking Congress to step up and close the Gun Show Loophole. It is critical that criminal background checks are conducted on all purchasers at gun shows -- including people who buy from private sellers.
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