Pledge to Stop Illegal Wildlife Poaching

Africa is home to the world's most iconic wildlife including elephants, rhinos, gorillas and lions. But illegal poaching might destroy these species forever. Poaching rates have reached record highs and at the current rate it is estimated that many iconic African animals will disappear within our lifetime.

The U.S. government recently committed to fight illegal trafficking by forming a task force and allocating $10 million in aid to African countries. The task force will be responsible for a U.S. strategy to end wildlife trafficking by supporting anti-poaching efforts, coordinating regional law enforcement, stopping the illicit trade of products, and reducing consumer demand. This is great news, and we need to make sure that our government understands that we want this to remain a high priority for the U.S.

Let's work together to prevent Africa's wildlife from becoming history: show that you appreciate the U.S. government's commitment to ending illegal poaching in Africa.
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