Five Animals...Two Dogs, Two Cats, One Turtle starve to death, due to SPCA inaction, on many complaints from neighbors ! in the Cruel Capital of Ontario!

  • av: Kenneth Wood
  • mottagare: Mayor Chris Friel...City of Brantford,... for the past fifteen years.

A ho hum attitude about suffering of animals and residents for over half a century, with Seventies bylaws that can sell animals to labs, can use persuasive action against Brantford residents, (with the City Clerks permission). Won't recognize Animal therapy, and will charge and harass Mentally challenged people on Sundays and Christmas week. City has fined a eighty year old retired school teacher $200.00 for feeding feral cats. Let them starve says the Brant County SPCA, developers, and Brantfords largest / major employer.

Brantford is; A compassioniate,heartless. empathy bankrupt city !!

Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Brantford City Council has adjourned until September. with NO changes to our Animal Control Bylaws!! The Brantford Expositor and the Brant News have said nothing about the two Animal abandonments, and the scum who left them to die of starvation. There have been no names, and no charges laid to date. Brantford City Council and Mayor Chris Friel have no compassion or empathy in their hearts. A new shelter is coming in two years, the suffering can continue till then!!
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Four Snakes....Two Pythons...One Rattlesnake are Dead !!! a third Python discovered alive, after foul odor from a Brantford home reported, to the SPCA, In the Cruel Capital of Ontario, in less than a week! The SPCA thinks its apparent abandonment. No charges have been made to date!
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