Close Loopholes to End U.S. Shark Finning

Shark finning, the process of cutting fins from live sharks at sea, has increased over the past decade due to the rising demand for shark fin soup. Since shark meat is considered to be of low value and not worth the cost of transporting the bulky bodies to shore, fishermen catch sharks, cut off their fins, and throw the still-living sharks back into the water.

The finless sharks sink to the ocean floor where they die slow and horrifically painful deaths from drowning, starvation, or being eaten by other fish. An estimated 100 million sharks die in this way each year.

Senator John Kerry (D-MA) has introduced the Shark Conservation Act of 2009 to help close existing legal loopholes and end shark finning in U.S. waters. This bill has already passed the House of Representatives and is awaiting action in the Senate.

Urge your Senators to co-sponsor the Shark Conservation Act of 2009.
Dear Senator,

I am writing to request your support for bill S. 850 -- the Shark Conservation Act of 2009.

Shark Finning is an extremely cruel and inhumane practice. Fishermen catch sharks, cut off their fins and throw the still-living animals back into the water. These finless sharks sink to the ocean floor where they die slow and horrifically painful deaths from drowning, starvation, or being eaten by other fish. Scientists estimate that nearly 100 million sharks are killed each year for shark fin soup.

The existing Shark Finning Prohibition Act has rules that are complicated and difficult to enforce, and contains loopholes that allow fishing vessels to transport illegally obtained fins as long as sharks were not finned aboard that vessel.

The Shark Conservation Act of 2009, bill S. 850, introduced by Senator Kerry, will close existing loopholes that permit the inhumane practice of finning to continue in U.S. waters. It would also require that all sharks caught in U.S. waters are brought to shore with their fins naturally attached to their bodies, creating a clear enforcement mandate.

As an animal advocate, I urge you to protect sharks by cosponsoring S. 850 -- the Shark Conservation Act of 2009. Thank you for considering my request and for doing your part to end unnecessary animal suffering.
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