Delisting Of Wolves In Oregon

  • av: Wildlife Community
  • mottagare: Ron Anglin, Division Administrator, Oregon Department Of Fish And Wildlife

There has not been a Confirmed wolf pack in the state of Oregon in over 50 years.  So in December of 2005 the Oregon Fish And Wildlife department wrote a management plan which stated wolves would be allowed to cross from Idaho into Oregon, and they would not be removed.  Recently on January 29th 2007 it was announced that the Rocky Mountain wolf would be taken off the Endangered Species List.  Populations in Idaho and Wyoming had recovered very well so it was logical for them to be removed.  However, when the Rocky Mountain wolf was delisted in those states, unfortunately it included Northeastern Oregon.  We believe it is wrong for the wolf to not be protected in Oregon, especially when there are no confirmed packs even in the state.  Please sign the petition to push the Department Of Fish And Wildlife to relist the wolf in Oregon so they'll have a fighting chance.
There has not been a Confirmed wolf pack in the state of Oregon in over 50 years.  So in December of 2005 the Oregon Fish And Wildlife department wrote a management plan which stated wolves would be allowed to cross from Idaho into Oregon, and they would not be removed.  Recently on January 29th 2007 it was announced that the Rocky Mountain wolf would be taken off the Endangered Species List.  Populations in Idaho and Wyoming had recovered very well so it was logical for them to be removed.  However, when the Rocky Mountain wolf was delisted in those states, unfortunately it included Northeastern Oregon.  We believe it is wrong for the wolf to not be protected in Oregon, especially when there are no confirmed packs even in the state.  Please sign the petition to push the Department Of Fish And Wildlife to relist the wolf in Oregon so they'll have a fighting chance.
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