Aurora City Council Just Banned the Sale of Most Cats and Dogs. Will the State of Colorado Follow Suit?

Victory! The Aurora City Council voted to ban the sale of most cats and dogs in pet stores, which will help take pressure off of shelters and be a massive blow to potential puppy mills in the area! It's time Colorado enact a statewide ban.

Sign now to tell Colorado legislators to enact a statewide bill to regulate the sale of animals in pet stores!

It is no secret that pet stores often source from puppy mills, where living conditions for young animals are horrific. But regulating puppy mills can be difficult, and making it nearly impossible for businesses to "sell" animals cuts into puppy mills profits and incentives. This is exactly why the ban should be enacted statewide.

Back in 2020, Colorado tried to more strictly regulate the sale of animals in pet stores, but the bill died in a State House subcommittee. It is time for state legislators to try to enact this absolutely essential bill again!

Sign this petition to demand the Colorado legislature do the right thing and stand up for animals today!

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