Osceola Tax Supports Golf Course@@@RESIDENTS SHOULD BE eligble to enjoy the golf course for FREE????@@@@free local course

Anyone who pays taxes in Osceola; are you aware you are not just helping,but TOTALLY funding the golf course and pro shop. The local 9 hole course, that was part of the country club, now is 100% funded and owned by THE CITY OF OSCEOLA.

Once the course can operate without outside funding source.  Taxes could be lowered, even if the course can get the needs from city funding cut.  The long-term goal would be to recall-cut the tax out. (SAVING RESIDENTS ash that could be used to put back into local business)

Why are we all not able to enjoy and reep the rewards of living in a community with literally a public golf course. I do realize and would only expect rules,regulations, even criteria met to qualify. I believe waving the green fees would not only be positive but profitable. No one would expect the cart rentals to be RENT free. Income will naturally come from cart rentals, I would think that would be a plus due to more people playing. I am not sure what cokes, sodas, golfing supplies (balls, tees, clubs) and range balls are going for, however I would expect a tightening of those issues, some things lower and some higher to not just pay the light bill but create profit which will increase due to the number of golfers. I would say if you dont have a colared (polo shirt type) as well as golf shoes (save money on damage to green repairing). This is common practice at most courses, it is not about punishment, but prestige. I would like to also state city employees receive free use of the course as well as community center. Not totally understandable?? They receive not just what is called "good" but "GREAT PAY"), health care, quite sure a sugary retirement fund.

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