Don't Stream 'Isle of Dogs' in China in Protest of Yulin Dog Meat Festival!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Fox Searchlight Pictures
This year's Chinese New Year ushered in the Year of the Dog, but that won't prevent thousands of dogs from being slaughtered at this year's Yulin Dog Meat Festival.

The annual festival in Yulin, China, is set to begin on June 21. For ten days, countless dogs — many of whom are abducted household pets — will be skinned alive, boiled, and sold as dog meat. The torture these dogs go through before they are killed is just as bad, if not worse, than the slaughter.

Thankfully, the Chinese government has started to respond to public pressure from animal lovers around the world who have spoken out against the festival. When the festival first began in 2009, around 15,000 dogs were slaughtered during the festival each year. In recent years, that number has dropped to around 1,000 dogs due to restrictions on how much meat vendors can sell.

In order to end the festival for good, we need to continue to speak out against the horror. That's why we're calling on Fox Searchlight Pictures to join the effort.

Earlier this year, Fox Searchlight released Wes Anderson's popular film Isle of Dogs in China. It was the third movie the company had ever released in China. Now, Isle of Dogs is set for a June 26 digital release and a July 17 DVD release.

Please sign this petition urging Fox Searchlight Pictures to stand in protest of the Yulin Dog Meat Festival by refusing to release Isle of Dogs either digitally or on DVD in China.

Sign now to #StopYulin!
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Care2 has created a bunch of handy social media tools for us to use in order to make the biggest impact in the fight to end the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. Please visit the social media toolkit and take as many actions as you can!
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