Pledge To “Plant Global, Party Local In The DMV”

Hundreds of billions of trees around the world have been clear-cut in the last few decades, leaving soils exposed, depleted and incapable of supporting land-based or marine life.

But in just one part of Madagascar – where billions of mangrove trees were clear-cut for lumber or for industrial shrimp farms – ForestPlanet and our tree planting partners were able to transform the field from a barren wasteland to a thriving mangrove forest in only four years.

ForestPlanet works with experienced large scale tree planting projects around the world, channeling funds from businesses, individuals, event proceeds, and foundations to support revitalization efforts. It's not just about how many trees get planted, but more about the broader impact: wildlife habitat restoration, soil remediation, carbon sequestration, and community development to create income security, food security, and hope for hundreds of millions of people.

Trees are cost-effective, powerful engines with healing capabilities for our fragile planet.

Pledge to "Plant Global, Party Local In The DMV" and we will share fun local and global activities that you can do to help plant trees, such as:

  • Shop at great local and global merchants that support ForestPlanet.
  • Attend fun local events, happy hours, film screenings, and parties that sponsor ForestPlanet!
  • Help connect local merchants in your life with ForestPlanet's mission.
  • Share ForestPlanet's passion for trees!

When you sign up for ForestPlanet, we'll help you "Plant Global, Party Local In The DMV" – and spread hope around the world!

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