Definition of a "hate" crime......

  • av: Iain Gray
  • mottagare: Jean Augustine, Secretary of State, Status of Women Canada
An acknowledgement that "misandry" and the "vilification" of the male half of the human species is a "hate" crime, The "removal" of the offending report(s), A written, "posted" public apology to the male half of the human species and the groups mentioned in the report(s).
WHEREAS "Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty"
– Criminal Code of Canada 319(2);

WHEREAS "males, men, "masculinists", fathers, dads and the people who stand up and write their names in snow banks" are an "identifiable" group;

WHEREAS the continued "vilification" of "men" as being the reason of all the woes of the world is false;

WHEREAS the continued use of Canadian taxpayers money to fund "research" into the continued debasement of "dads" is unfair;

WHEREAS the continued use of Canadian taxpayers money to fund research into "better" ways to provide "services" to only the female half of Canadians is "discriminatory";

WHEREAS Status of Women Canada has "abused" it's mandate to "promote" the "equality" of gender issues in the work force;

WHEREAS Status of Women Canada has "demonstrated" that's it's "agenda" is the promotion of women to the exclusion of men not "equality";

WHEREAS the "research" has "demonstrated" that women in Canada have far surpassed the objectives set to balance past social

WE, as fair minded, just, equitable citizens of Canada DEMAND;

(1) An acknowledgement that "misandry" and the "vilification" of the male half of the human species is a "hate" crime,

(2) The "removal" of the offending report(s),

(3) A written, "posted" public apology to the male half of the human species and the groups mentioned in the report(s).

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