Save the Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act has been a safety net for wildlife, fish and plants on the brink of extinction. It has protected the bald eagle, gray wolf, grizzly bear, Florida panther, and sea otter, among many others.

But despite the overwhelming success of the Endangered Species Act, the Senate is preparing to consider major changes to this critical conservation law. Right now, the members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee are considering taking up legislation that could weaken endangered species protection, and we need your help to make sure the Senate keeps the Endangered Species Act strong!

Of particular concern is H.R. 3824, a very damaging bill sponsored by Representative Pombo of California that has already passed in the House. Not only does this bill gut the Endangered Species Act, but it:
  • Requires the government to compensate property owners if steps needed to protect species thwart development plans.
  • Allows federal agencies to avoid consultation, resulting in agencies with little to no experience in wildlife issues deciding if projects will harm wildlife.
  • It provides new loop holes to make it easier to use deadly pesticides that will impact not only wildlife but our children, by polluting our lands and waters.
Stand up to this attack on the Endangered Species Act and urge your Senator to vote against any legislation that would weaken this important law.
Dear [your Senator],

As one of the many people in your state who values the Endangered Species Act as a critical safety net for our nation's most vulnerable species, I urge you to strongly oppose any bill that would weaken this landmark law.

Representative Pombo's "Extinction Bill" (H.R. 3824), which passed the House last year, would fatally undermine the Endangered Species Act’s ability to protect our nation's at-risk wildlife if signed into law.

I am concerned that any bill passing the Senate this year would be merged with Pombo's bill, creating a disastrous combination that would threaten the future protection of species like the bald eagle and the humpback whale.

[your comment here]

I urge you to be vigilant in opposing any legislation that would squander our nation's natural heritage or abandon the strong protections of the Endangered Species Act.


[your name]
[your address]
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