Tell TripAdvisor: stop promoting and profiting from cruelty to wild animals

TripAdvisor Inc. owns the world's largest travel site, which is promoting and profiting from cruel wildlife tourist attractions by selling tickets to cruel wildlife venues.

If that wasn't bad enough, TripAdvisor also ranks and rewards cruel wildlife venues through their Popularity Index and Certificate of Excellence, boosting their presence on TripAdvisor's website and encouraging tourists to go to these cruel places, perpetuating the sad cycle of abuse.

A company that receives 300 million hits a month has an incredible level of influence. It is unacceptable for them to promote and profit from cruelty towards tigers, lions, elephants and monkeys.

The company should reward venues that protect wild animals with a WildlifeLeaders title. Much like their GreenLeaders badge that helps tourists choose eco-friendly accommodation, the WildlifeLeaders badge would help tourists to avoid animal cruelty and encourage businesses to implement better welfare for animals.

We all want a world without animal cruelty. Together we can ensure that TripAdvisor stops profiting from wildlife tourist attractions and instead helps protect these imperilled species.

Tell TripAdvisor it is time to celebrate venues that protect wild animals and stop promoting ones that abuse them.

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