Primates suffer for science in BPRC

  • av: Nijn Esra, (none)
  • mottagare: R. Bontrop, Director, Biomedical Primate Research Centre
The largest primate testing centre of Europe is located in the Netherlands. The Biomedical Primate Research Center (BPRC) keeps 1600 monkeys in their labs. They are locked up and have to undergo terrible things, in the name of 'science'. The BPRC is performing tests in the area of infection-illnesses (such as AIDS, hepatitis and malaria), xenotransplantation, radiation, tear gas (for self defence), chronic diseases and neurological abnormities.

The largest primate testing centre of Europe is located in the Netherlands. The Biomedical Primate Research Center (BPRC) keeps 1600 monkeys in their labs. They are locked up and have to undergo terrible things, in the name of 'science'. The BPRC is performing tests in the area of infection-illnesses (such as AIDS, hepatitis and malaria), xenotransplantation, radiation, tear gas (for self defence), chronic diseases and neurological abnormities.

A comparable primate (breeding) centre in the UK, Shamrock Farm, had to close down after many demonstrations and direct actions. BPRC is going to be the next primate centre to close down!

Monkey at testing centre

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