Stop the Livermore Rodeo’s Tortuous Wild Cow Milking Event Now!

From calf roping to steer tripping, rodeos are notorious for promoting events that are nothing more than horrific animal cruelty branded as "family-friendly entertainment." 

Amongst all of the inhumane events, wild cow milking stands out as particularly horrifying and heartbreaking. The event involves separating a distressed, lactating new mother cow from her calf and forcing her into an arena often filled with shouting crowds, loud music, and bright lights. There, two men on horseback run her down, violently rope her, and then forcibly milk her before cheering fans.

Cows are very intelligent and highly emotional beings. They form strong bonds with their calves. In fact, these mothers are known to cry for weeks on end if separated from their calves.

This June, the Livermore Rodeo in Livermore, CA will have a wild cow milking event on it's schedule. We can not let this cruel spectacle go on. We must protect these innocent mothers and their calves and show the rodeo industry that we won't sit by while it continues to glorify animal cruelty.

Sign the petition and demand the Livermore Rodeo end its wild cow milking event and stop abusing cows and calves.
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