Release Tootie the Chimpanzee from Solitary Confinement

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Stump Hill Farm, Ohio

Concerns continue regarding the confinement of chimpanzees in various facilities, schools and zoos such as Tootie that is allegedly being held at a roadside zoo known as the Stump Hill Farm in Massillon, Ohio.  This poor animal has been held in solitary confinement for the past 20 years.  This is not the proper way for animals like chimpanzees to live. 

Read about Tootie at where this poor primate had to live out its early years in the entertainment industry.  Typically, such animals are taken from their mothers at a very young age, leaving their natural habitat and security of family.  This is devastating for any young wildlife who is then forced to perform tricks and other unnatural activities for the pleasure of on watchers. 

The facility holding this primate has been cited for many various animal abuse issues by the USDA.  Reportedly, these animal welfare violations included denying medical attention for the animals in their care. Tootie has lived for too many years in solitary confinement without proper care, space and environmental enrichments. 

Our efforts in this petition is to encourage the Stump Hill Farm to think about the health and welfare of Tootie and send the animal to a safe and reputable sanctuary to receive the proper care, companionship and enrichment that he deserves for his remaining years.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  We need to speak out in the name of Tootie and demand a better life for this animal at a healthy, reputable sanctuary.

Stump Hill Farm, Ohio -   We are all concerned about the health and welfare of Tootie the Chimpanzee that has been held at your facility in solitary confinement for too many years.  We strongly urge that you release the animal to a healthy, reputable sanctuary where Tootie can enjoy the companionship of other chimps like himself, where there is warmth year-round and ample space to run and forage for food.  Tootie deserves better care and medical attention when needed.  Consider the health and well-being of this animal and release Tootie immediately to a reputable, safe and healthy sanctuary.

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