Shut Down Cruel Puppy Mills!

That doggy in the window may be cute, but his parents may have paid the ultimate price and are likely still suffering. That's because most puppies sold in pet stores come from puppy mills.

Puppy Mill parents are bred and over-bred until their bodies give out and they can no longer physically produce litters. They are kept alive for one purpose only – to provide puppies for profit.

When they can no longer do their "job" because of age or illness, they are destroyed, abandoned or sold to other mills for as little as 25 cents at auction. They are usually ill, disfigured, diseased or hurt, and are often abused and severely neglected.

Over 500,000 puppies are sold from puppy mills each year in the United States. 

It's in our power to put an end to this cruel practice. First, pledge to never buy a puppy or kitten from a pet store. Second, don't purchase pet supplies from stores that sell puppies or kittens. Take your business elsewhere to send a clear message to pet stores that you won't support cruelty. 

Take a stand today: pledge to put an end to puppy mills! 
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