NSPCA are not serving the interests of the animals they represent. Change is needed from the top down. It is a welfare charity not a corporate .

The policies of NSPCA need changing. There have been reports of high euthanasia rates, and we need transparency around what those statistics really are. The organisation's head, Marcelle Meredith, has been in power for 17 years.

The NSPCA don't like to work with rescue societies that are pro-life. The NSPCA constitution needs to be changed to allow the head to be in power for a maximum of two terms of twelve months per term. The society also needs a full forensic audit and the results made public.

Make the society focus on a pro-life policy and force them to work with other rescue organizations.

Please sign my petition.

This petition was created in order to bring about changes within NSPCA and SPCA's in South Africa.

The policy's of not allowing SPCA's to work together with reputable rescue organizations are not acceptable.

The euthanisation figures are way too high and the public need to be made aware of this.

Top Board Members of NSPCA have been in their positions for way too long and weild far too much power over SPCA branches that they insist are autonomous.

Board members should only be allowed to serve a maximum of two terms of twelve months each. New faces with fresh ideas need to be heard.

This is an NPO (non profit organization), and should not be investing publicly donated money into investment portfolios.

A particular branch of SPCA (Benoni) are guilty of animal abuse and neglect as admitted to by them on their Facebook page. Their Treasurer, Marcelle Meredith is also the CEO of NSPCA and works at this branch. Surely a NSPCA Board member should not be allowed to turn a blind eye to this neglect and animal abuse.

The reputable rescue organizations want to work hand in hand with SPCA's and have asked for this on many occasions but they are constantly denied.

Personal vendettas are and have been acted upon at this Benoni branch. 

The public leave money to SPCA in their wills for the care of animals and their welfare , Their bequeaths should be used in the manner for which they were intended.

Change is needed now. The top people must go and the real carers ned to take their place at the helm.

Thank you for reading my petition. I sincerely hope that it brings about change for the better.

David Shelton

Uppdatera #69 år sedan
Hello everyone. The petition was submitted to the Minister of Agriculture on Monday. No acknowledgement at all. I will be submitting to the newspapers and television next week. Nobody in publicly elected positions care about animal welfare by the look of things.
Uppdatera #59 år sedan
We have reached our 1000 signatures. Thanks to everyone who has read and signed. This petition is going to be submitted to The Minister of Agriculture (South Africa), Carte Blanch (television) and the newspapers. I sincerely hope that we can bring about changes with it.
Uppdatera #49 år sedan
Only 175 signatures left before we can submit the petition. There is a lot more pressure being put on to NSPCA and SPCA's so change will happen at some stage. Trying to get answers on the bodies being collected by a refuse removal company and dumped in landfill.
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
Thanks to everyone who has signed. The title of the petition had to change but we are still going after the top people at NSPCA. Please share and urge people to sign. Not far to go and it would be nice to submit before the big NSPCA meeting.
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
More tragic kills at Benoni SPCA. This branch is Marcelle Merediths own branch where she is Treasurer. Please help us to get her out by signing the petition. Thanks to everyone
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