Speak out now: Keep oyster sanctuaries off-limits from harvest!

  • av: Chesapeake Bay Foundation
  • mottagare: Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Maryland Department of Natural Resources Secretary Mark J. Belton
Over the past few months, the Oyster Advisory Commission—Maryland's group of oyster stakeholders that advises the state on oyster management—has been accepting proposals for changes to Maryland's Oyster Management Plan. Statements by some Commission members make it clear: they believe vital oyster sanctuaries should be opened for harvest.

Opening these sanctuaries for harvest would threaten the Bay's most valuable filters. We must make sure that this critical oyster habitat remains off-limits to harvest, for the protection of oysters and the Bay.

Take action now and join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in telling Governor Hogan's administration that oyster sanctuaries must remain closed to harvest to protect oysters and the Chesapeake Bay.
Please protect Maryland's oyster sanctuaries

Dear Governor Hogan and Secretary Belton,

Oysters are an amazing and essential part of the Chesapeake Bay. As a constituent, I believe we should be restoring oysters so that they can play their natural role in the Bay and its tributary rivers, filtering out water pollution and providing homes for other important species like blue crabs and rockfish.

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I ask the Department of Natural Resources to:

  • Continue to restore oyster reefs in key rivers and the Bay.

  • Keep at least 24% of our oyster grounds protected as sanctuaries, while continuing to allow oysters to be harvested in non-protected areas.

  • Put a greater effort into developing aquaculture in Maryland.

  • Be a leader in improving water quality for oysters and people in our state.

Please help us protect oysters and restore the Chesapeake Bay. 

Thank you.

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