Fight Predatory Lending in Native American Communities
According to U.S. Census data, 28.4% of American Indians and Alaska Natives live in poverty, which is the HIGHEST rate of poverty among any race or ethnic group in the United States, and is nearly twice the national average. In some areas of the country, Native Americans have an unemployment rate as high as 80%.
These economic conditions make Native American communities especially vulnerable to predatory lending. Tell your legislators to support tighter federal regulation of predatory lenders who target Native American communities.
For Native Americans, the impact of predatory lending is devastating because it destroys the potential for asset building that is needed to bring economic security to Indian families and communities. Predatory lending strips money from low-income tribal citizens and robs financially unstable families of the little collateral they have.
Sign now to urge your legislators to fight this despicable practice.
In an already tough economic time, predatory lenders are targeting Native Americans through fraudulent, deceptive and discriminatory lending practices. These loans are specifically designed to prey on the vulnerable, uninformed borrowers and have inappropriately high interest rates and excessive fees.
These financial practices help create perpetuating cycles that drag Native Americans into poverty.
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Please end this injustice and support tighter federal regulation of predatory lenders who unfairly target Native American communities.
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