Ban the Trophy Hunting of African Lions and Protect them as Endangered Species

Africa's total lion population has declined by 42% over the past two decades, and today less than 23,000 of the big cats remain.

Lions face many threats including habitat loss, lack of prey, and conflict with humans, which includes egregious and wasteful trophy hunting. In 2015 the United States listed two lion subspecies under the Endangered Species Act. However, it is vital that we aggressively address the threats facing Africa's lions by placing a moratorium on lion hunting and urging the United States to go a step further to ban all imports of lion trophies.

We cannot afford to sacrifice the future of Africa's lions for the sake of a few trophies. Lions are extinct in North Africa, severely depleted across West and Central Africa, and now losing ground in their strongholds of East and Southern Africa. But by raising our voices now, we can still save these amazing creatures.

Sign the petition today and let the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service know you support protecting African lions as endangered species and tightening regulations around trophy hunting.
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