Implement mandatory guidelines and regulations of all dog breeder, seller/ buyer groups & pages

First and foremost I, the author of this petition, want it to be clearly understood that I am not in support of dog breeding. The supply of dogs far outweighs the demand , a visit to any shelter will confirm this.  Finding Bully Breeds in shelters has become the norm and , like the majority of shelter dogs, their lives end at the shelter. I am aware that dog breeding is legal and many breeders will argue that they are responsible breeders. I argue that in a world already overpopulated with unwanted animals, why be part of the problem ?  

Some battles must be won a step at a time, that being said , until such time as dog breeding is banned. I ask  those of you who are like minded to please sign this petition  


We the undersigned implore Facebook owner, Mark Zuckerburg , to immediately implement mandatory regulations of all Facebook pages and groups that promote breeding , selling and purchasing of dogs. Until such time as dog breeding becomes illegal, It must be made mandatory that all administrators of such pages and groups  ,  obtain legal documented proof that all members of these groups are licensed breeders. It must further be made mandatory that EVERY member of these groups or pages comply to a mandatory background check that the page or group owner and or administrator shall be responsible for implementing and reviewing. 

We the under signed, further implore that the page or group owner and or administrator be held morally and legally responsible to guarantee that no group members shall participate in any illegal action, such as dog fighting or animal abuse and  must, in writing and by way of notary, confirm that they will report any comments or activities that are suspicious to the proper authorities. Until such time as breeders realize that they truly are part of the problem , no matter how "responsible" they believe they conduct themselves, mandatory guidelines need to be implemented in an effort to ensure that these dogs are not being breed, sold or purchased for illegal activities.



The Undersigned,

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