our society ( Raheja Classique Next to Infinti Mall Link Road Andheri West Mumbai India ) has banned Pet Dogs on the podium which is a common premises paid for by all the flat owners....it is a fundamental right in democracy if you own a pet dog and are l

it is a fundamental right in democracy if you own a pet dog and are living in a society ..u can take him down for a walk..yes we clean the poop of our pet dog so that the place is clean...as per the Maharashtra Co-op Housing Society Act ..no society can ban pet dogs for talking a walk..

our society ( Raheja Classique Next to Infinti Mall Link Road Andheri West Mumbai India ) has banned Pet Dogs on the podium which is a common premises paid for by all the flat owners....it is a fundamental right in democracy if you own a pet dog and are living in a society ..u can take him down for a walk..yes we clean the poop of our pet dog so that the place is clean...as per the Maharashtra Co-op Housing Society Act ..no society can ban pet dogs for talking a walk..

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