Tell President-Elect Joe Biden: Re-join the Paris Climate Accords

  • av: Corey Hill
  • mottagare: President-Elect Joe Biden
Rejoining the Paris Climate Accords sends a strong message to the rest of the world that the United States is serious about tackling climate chaos. That's why President-Elect Joe Biden must make rejoining this international agreement a top priority when he takes office.

He has said he will rejoin right away but we all know that politicians can sometimes make campaign promises that immediately go on the back burner. But we can't afford for this one to wait any longer! 

Time is running out if we're going to be able to mitigate the worst impacts of climate chaos. We need to dramatically rethink our agriculture, our energy, and our economy. The first step to the path to environmental resilience begins with the Paris Climate Accords. 

The President has the power to join this treaty at any time, without relying on Congress. Take action today and tell Joe Biden: re-join the Paris Climate Accords, and let the world know the United States is serious about climate change. 
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