• av: Sophia Dalle
  • mottagare: President Traian Basescu, President of Romania
Honourable President
We the undersigned, with all compassionate intent, ask you as President of Romania to instigate a  more rigorous implementaion of   training   caregivers to properly take care of these abandoned children in your government facilities.As well, to immediately instigate programs to move these children out of these deplorable confines and bring them into healthy foster care.We understand your government has made strides in this arena, however, these children are suffering in ways  any civilized country must condemn.May we also ask you to  include a more effective monitoring of & control of care & protection standards with  standardized educational measures.Do please have the compassionate vision for the children of Romania.So that they are no longer BIOLOGICAL GARBAGE as referred to in the nightline report dated may 10 2006
thankyou most kindly ,with great respect
Honourable President Traian Basescu
We the undersigned ,with all compassionate intent, ask you to instigate immediate and proper training of caregivers to take care of the disabled children suffering and languishing in the Romanian facilities.As well, to remove these children to proper foster  care institutions and families: and to allow immediate foreign adoptions >We are aware that great strides have been made in this arena, However, there are still fare too many children suffering in ways  unimaginable to civilized humanity. The undersigned thankyou for your immediate attention and civilized vision to this horrifying situation
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